Daily Archives: June 14, 2011

Moving Home & Being a Full-time Grown Up!


A few weeks ago, Will was offered a graduate job, which means that we are now financially able to stand on our own two feet. The job was offered on the basis that we relocate to Gloucester (as I’ve mentioned before). I think this is where the stressful part comes in, don’t get me wrong I can’t wait to live there. After visiting the place I’m pretty much in love with the town centre. It’s just so much hassle getting there! Everyone I know who has moved away has always just moved down the road or to a nearby town. The people I know that have moved the furthest have done so for University where only a car-full of stuff is needed. I don’t think I know anyone who has used a removals van company. I’ve been asking around and they all seemed to have ‘made a few trips‘ in their car or ‘borrowed a friends van‘.

All of a sudden I feel like a grown up who has to organize something. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, I’m a 22-year-old with a 1-year-old baby and it’s never occurred to me that I’m a grown up?! It seems that I’m at the age of life changing responsibilities that come with being an adult, (a real adult, not an I’m-an-18-year-old-who-can-drink-and-vote-but-still-live-with-my-mum-adult). Not saying there’s anything wrong with that because pretty much up until now that kind of summed me up. All of my friends have children, are married, are planning to get married, have a mortgage or are leaving University. It’s crazy all of this has happened in the last year or so.

Moving home is exciting, stressful and expensive! But I’m mainly excited. At the moment, my current living situation is me, Will, Jack, Will’s mum and sister all under one roof. Which is great as there’s always help to look after Jack and it’s completely rent free (thanks to Will’s amazing mum, to whom I am eternally grateful). All this considered, it will be so nice for us to have our own home and a place to call our own.

Anyway, Saturday we pick up the keys to our new house and we sign the form to officially become full-time grown ups.

(O.K. I’m being slightly melodramatic as we’re actually signing the tenants agreement but hey it’s a big step!)